i have no prior experience with blogs so as my first try here i will do my best, this is my personal blog devoted to sharing my life changing enlightenment and journey with Princess Shelle Rivers. ever since i first heard Her voice, even if i did not realize it at the time, my life and mind had just started to take a major turn for the BETTER :) as time has went on, as i still consider myself a lil baby in the long road of Servitude ahead to my Domina Shelle, i have had fewer and fewer cravings for my usual vices (alcohol, benzos, pot)even other woman, all start to fade and i have found a new focus i never knew i could tap into. i can only attribute this new drive and motivation to Domina Shelle’s femdom hypnosis suggestions and understanding words. one of the best parts in my adventure with Her and for anyone who chooses to live a life down the path of bliss is how approachable and truly caring Princess Shelle is to Her submissives <3 i hope to add onto my blog and continue to Please my Domina throughout my days :)